Certified HVAC technicians are absolute professionals

I had a feeling that what I had been dreading was just about to be real.

It sort of caused me to feel a mixture of gut punch and relief all at the same time.

Our HVAC technician pointed out, nearly three years ago, that our HVAC system was failing. He suggested that we begin planning for the replacement heating and cooling unit. This made sense given the fact that our HVAC unit was nearing the two decade mark. But, after an initial blast of saving and planning, I sort of let it slip off my radar. Now, the thing is dead as a doornail. The heating and cooling unit broke down for good just the other night. We both awoke to thick, hot air in our bedroom. My wife and I knew right away that the HVAC was dead. The HVAC tech came out in the morning to confirm our worst fears. He then called out the HVAC contractor from the office to help us fast track an HVAC replacement. The HVAC contractor was a real lift to our spirits. He was able to improve our outlook by how much he knew and how willing he was to help us. The man really went out of his way to make us feel comfortable with our situation because there was a solution. It took less than a few hours for the three of us to pick out a model that would both suit our needs and our budget. He even got us into a payment plan so we didn’t have to devastate our meager savings. Those HVAC people are just such true professionals.

air conditioning filter