My number one Starbucks Latte shop is having Heating and A/C problems

My number one Starbucks Latte shop here in city is actually crucial to me.

I go there at least several times a week! You could entirely say that I’m a respected there.

I have to have my caffeine, you know! Otherwise, I get a bad headache, and to be honest, the indoor air conditions in my number one Starbucks Latte shop downtown is way better than the indoor air conditions in my own apartment, sometimes while I was in the winter, I will take my computer to the Starbucks Latte shop plus work there for most of the day. The heating program that they have there is way superior to the cruddy old radiator heating program in my condo building. They actually need to update the boiler in our old building, I think, however but the temperature control in the Starbucks Latte shop seems to always be set at just the right temperature. I believe the manager does a good job at keeping the temperature set just right. In the winter, the heating is never overwhelming plus in the summer, the A/C offers just the right amount of cooling air. I don’t believe what’s going on down there this week, however there’s a sign up on the front door that says they are having problems with their Heating and A/C program plus so they are closed for the next numerous afternoons. I’m hoping that they get everything straightened out soon because I don’t want to have to make my own sup-par cup of Starbucks Latte at home! Not only that, although I also don’t have to deal with the less than stellar indoor air conditions in my condo all week.

Heating industry