I hate how running my clothes dryer makes my a/c run harder

I have been told on numerous occasions that I do more laundry than most people.

My family and friends were all surprised when I told them casually that I do a load of laundry once a day, but sometimes every other day.

As a single person with roommates or pets, I do more laundry than what’s considered normal apparently. I like to wash my bedding every few days, despite the fact that I shower each night before climbing into bed. Plus, I enjoy having my clean clothings available because it’s currently the middle of summer and I’m constantly perspiring. Although, that’s where I run into concerns. Since it’s so moderate during the summer months here, I’m forced to run my a/c bi-weekly. I could run it non stop, all day long, but it still wouldn’t be enough to keep my house at a cool comfortable temperature. If I’m doing a lot of laundry, this means I’m also running the dryer respectfully. Not only does the extra heat produced by the dryer instantly affect the temperature of my house, however it also makes my a/c work harder and longer because it sits on the opposite wall from my clothes dryer. It forces my air handler to run on longer cycles, just to reach the same rapidly adjusting temperature. It has me questioning how much this affects the long term durability of my a/c equipment, let alone the decrease in indoor air pollen levels.


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