I miss our wood-burning heating system

My dad was so excited when we got our new furnace. For the longest time, my family has had a wood-burning heating system to keep our house warm. Although none of my friends had this kind of heating system, we were used to it, and it kept us warm. Every day, I would have to wake up and kindle the fire to get the house warm. That heating system would make our house very toasty, and we even had a blower fan that connected to our air vents so that it would keep our bedrooms warm too. However, my dad thought that it would be nice to upgrade to a furnace. With the furnace, we wouldn’t have to worry about hauling wood, starting a fire, or getting cold at night. The furnace would keep us constantly warm, and a furnace didn’t cost that much more than a normal wood stove. We called some HVAC technicians, and with a little bit of adjustment, we were able to have a furnace installed for a very nominal price. While I like the furnace, I wish that we still had our old heating system back. Honestly, I loved hauling, splitting, and chopping wood. Since I did most of that work, I didn’t have to exercise much on the side. It kept me active, and it also gave me something to do when I was stressed. With the furnace, it seems that I have too much time to waste. Also, when the power goes out now, we have no heating system to keep us warm.

boiler installation