The shop is closed

There used to be a store that sold basic things, like food, toys, clothes etc; It was like a supermarket but smaller; Pretty much from the start, the store didn’t do to well, but since the store was close to me, I made various trips to option up several items, and I began to see why they weren’t getting much business, then first off, the store was actually disorganized.

  • The adult clothes is on one side of the store, while the kid’s clothes are on the other side.

They would sporadically have things in the wrong aisles such as laundry detergent in the cooking section. Second, the store was pretty dirty… You could literally see flecks of dirt all over the floor, and it only got worse as time passed, and my shoes actually started making the scraping noise it does when you’re on sand, it was crazy; Last, they had no form of heating or cooling machines around… When it was freezing outside, it was freezing inside too. When it was hot outside, it was hot inside too. They never bothered to install any kind of Heating and Air Conditioning systems, which could repel people seeking to escape the hot or cold. I actually found it strenuous myself to browse at what they had to offer when all I could suppose about was how freezing it was in there. The store didn’t last actually long, with the dirtiness and be disorganized, as well as lack of Heating and Air Conditioning units, the store only lasted 2 years before they had a major sale and closed down. Kind of sad, really, since all of the concerns were straight-forward to fix.

Air conditioning installation