UK Heatwave

In 2003 I was in the UK just as Europe was going through the hottest Summer in Europe since 1540… It was literally enjoy a gas furnace, however not only did it get about as hot as it can in the hotter parts of the United States, however because much of Europe isn’t used to that kind of heat while all of us were in summer, they usually don’t have air-conditioning, or any HVAC systems to speak about.

They usually just had radiators for Wintertide heating.

I can definitely say no house or building in The UK seemed to have cooling systems, so there was nowhere to go for any relief, then meanwhile the British people, who were not at all used to such heat, were dying, literally, however all over the news in England were stories of older people dying in their houses from the heat: literally, lack of cooling system. Meanwhile, the same thing was happening all over Europe that summer. The UK news would also have stories about France, Germany plus the Netherlands. They also were countries that had never gotten hot enough to ever need air-conditioning before, plus the elderly were dying in record numbers in these plus other countries too.I can’t imagine the up-to-date company that HVAC businesses, HVAC companys, air-conditioner services, plus so on in that part of the world received after that summer. Apparently there have been a few more similar heat-waves since, although none as dire as 2003. It seems hard to guess several of those countries had never needed widespread cooling systems before.


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