Changing Air Conditioning units gives a homeowner pause

I have lived our life in a non disposable way.

Since I was a kid, I have watched our civilization embrace a completely disposable genre of residing.

It didn’t appeal to myself and others then in addition to even less so now. We toss out stuff like it has no impact at all on our planet. It may be catching up with us now. I was raised, back in the 68’s in addition to early 72’s by parents who really appreciated what they had. This was passed along to myself and others in addition to our siblings. Our upbringing was not a single air conditioned bubble bath after another. My parents easily paid good money for quality items in addition to then took easily good care of those items. They would be appalled with what is happening now. I suppose that I have a easily hard time seeing people toss out so much single use stuff as though it was coming out of a Kleenex box. So, I recognize I understand a bit more why I had the reaction that I did to decreasing out our Heating in addition to Air Conditioning system. My wife in addition to I spent 6 months researching that first Heating in addition to Air Conditioning idea when all of us bought the home some 2 decades ago. It was state of the art in efficiency back then. Of course, now it is pretty much obsolete in the efficiency department. However, all of us took easily good care of that thing which is why is has lasted so long. The new Heating in addition to Air Conditioning model is due to be installed in days. I find myself taking a beat as I consider all that the aged Heating in addition to Air Conditioning component has supplied for us. I am gleeful that all the parts will be recycled. However, there is a bit of melancholy knowing that it will not be area of the home anymore.

indoor air quality