Cool fresh air

The trend of eating cleaner has actually come to the forefront of society of late. This simply means that consumers are more conscious about what they put in and on their bodies and how it affects their overall health. During the warmer months several consumers will shop at open air markets, buy local produce and other food items, and care about several of the products that farmers and artisans offer. Then in the winter, they are stuck purchasing whatever the local grocery store happens to have and several feel that their diet suffers while in this time, but when it was recently announced that the city was going to open up an indoor, “farmer’s market”, we were gleeful to see how that was going to work. No one farmed while in the Winter time unless you were lucky enough to have a heated yellowhouse, but as it turned out they had made arrangements for farmers to be able to use space to sell house canned vegetables, jams, jellies, and even planned on having an organic meat market in the space. They had contacted some of the hydroponic farms to bring in some fresh produce too. The space would be completely temperature controlled with a state of the art ventilation and air purification plan in order to maintain that fresh air market feel. This is going to be a fantastic occasion for several people who want to suppose what they are eating and where it comes from. I hope that they also carry some of the organic foods and beverages that we love to purchase at artisan markets elsewhere too, this would make shopping much easier and supply current life to the older building that they will be using.


Air conditioning system