My Sister Only Replaces Her Air Filter Once Per Year

Nothing irritates me more than when my big sister thinks she’s right, when I obviously know that she’s wrong.

Just because she’s older than me, she’s always assumed that she’s more knowledgeable and wise.

I’ll admit that she’s right a lot of the time, but not in all situations. For instance, she came over to my house the other weekend and while she was visiting, she saw my husband replacing our air filter. She made a comment about how it was time for the annual air filter replacement. At first, I laughed because I thought she was joking. However, then, I realized that she was serious. When I asked my sister how many times per year she changes her own air filter, she said, “one.” I was in shock! My sister was always complaining about her AC not running efficiently, but she always made it sound like she was doing everything she could to maintain the AC system. When she said that she was only replacing her air filter once per year, I immediately understood why her AC system wasn’t working efficiently. I told her that air filters needed to be replaced at least twice per year, but sometimes more depending on the HVAC equipment and home. If you didn’t replace the filter enough, the dust and debri would congest the system, causing the air to flow unevenly and harder, thus causing a higher utility bill. My sister became really defensive and said that she only needed to replace her air filter once per year, because it was a scam to think otherwise. According to her, HVAC companies only tell you that you should replace them more just so you’ll buy more air filters. We’ll see who’s right in the long run.

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