Counting on smart HVAC tech to help me reign in cooling costs

I just can’t do another summer the way we have been doing it.

Frankly, it just makes the summer such a complete bummer for me the way it has been.

So, this year, I am getting proactive about throwing a net over the ever escalation costs of cooling our home. Every year, I write monthly checks to the utility company that should be going to other much needed items. My family is just going to have to adjust. I have laid it out for all of us very clearly. We will not be spending the money we have in the past for HVAC. We just won’t. Now, I’m not sure how well I got through to anyone. They may think it’s just dad ranting again about bills. Well, the have have been forewarned. Next week, the HVAC company is coming out to install a smart thermostat. I have been a bit resistant to buying into the smart thermostat thing because I didn’t want to buy something that would be obsolete by the time I got home. However, I have found the system that I think will make a huge difference and it goes in soon. I also invested in automatic blinds that the smart thermostat will be able to control. There will be sensors throughout the house. The smart thermostat will deploy these solar shades as the direct sunlight starts heating the ambient air. I think this addition will also lead to savings. But, the biggest thing will be that I will be the only one with the manual override code. So, the thermostat settings will stay right in the cost savings sweet spot.


a/c professional