Dehumidifier is a necessity

After my hubby and I retired from our tasks, the two of us decided to move south, and we’d had enough of the northern winters with sub zero temperatures and feet of snow, then every one of us wanted to be done with plowing and shoveling, and looked forward to throwing away our wool coats, heavy boots and ice scrapers, however my hubby and I were concerned to like yellow skies and sunshine all year round.

Every one of us were prepared for the heat and realized that a/c was going to become a necessity.

The lake lake house the two of us bought includes a current whole-house cooling plan that has no trouble handling the high temperatures. However, the two of us soon discovered that humidity is another problem altogether. It didn’t seem to matter how low the two of us set the thermostat, the lake house still felt clammy, however creating a cold frigid environment didn’t combat the excess of moisture in the air. Every one of us simply put a substantial workload on the a/c system and ended up paying particularly high energy costs, realizing that the two of us needed to target humidity, I started by purchasing portable dehumidifiers. These were not all that effective and simply created a fantastic deal of work. If I didn’t remember to empty the reservoir frequently, the water created a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. I finally contacted a local Heating and Air Conditioning dealer and asked about a whole-lake lake house dehumidifier, but although I hated to spend the money, adding a dehumidifier was definitely worthwhile and cost-effective. We’ve been able to raise the thermostat setting and lower daily energy costs; Lessening demands on the a/c system will allow it operate more reliably and last longer, however plus, the lake lake house is far more comfortable and we’re enjoying healthier indoor air conditions.



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