Kickbacks from the big businesses are awesome

He presented me with a small bag of flower

Most of the time, my job as a heating and air conditioning professional is pretty boring. That’s because I do the same thing everyday. Even though I might work on an installation or troubleshooting call, I know the problem will end up being something with the heating or cooling system. I was starting to grow tired of the job, so I decided to transfer to the commercial division of our heating and air conditioning business. The commercial division is much busier, and I am working 10-hour days. The overtime hours are really nice, and the daily commissions are really adding up. One awesome aspect of the job, has been working at the new marijuana dispensary. The marijuana dispensary open about 3 weeks ago, and they are still having complications with the heating and air conditioning components. Last week was my first time working at the dispensary, and the owner and manager were very nice. I didn’t have the right parts on the truck, and I had to come back later in the afternoon. Most business owners would complain, but the owner of the dispensary seemed to be relaxed and easygoing. When I returned later that afternoon with the proper air conditioner part, the guy gave me a nice, fat tip. He presented me with a small bag of flower. I didn’t know what to say, but I said thank you and put the bag in my pocket. After I was walking out, I thought I made a mistake. I wondered if my boss would be upset with the tip, and I decided that I shouldn’t mention the free marijuana to anyone.

Kickbacks from the big businesses are awesome