When will I see him again?

I have a problem with this whole coronavirus situation. It has nothing to do with the self-quarantine rules. It has nothing to do with not being in crowds. It has everything to do with the fact that my husband is in one state and I am in another. He is working with the National Guard, helping to keep peace in some areas. Many people don’t th9nk the stay-at-home policy is necessary. They are out on the streets partying. There is one woman who was arrested because she was sneezing on the produce in a major market. She thought it was funny, and she knew she was infected. I am at home with my kids, trying to get them to do their homework. I thought it was hard when they were in school. Now they are sitting home and doing their classes online. I sat down next to them the other day, so I could learn their math. I realized it was cold in the area they were working. I called the HVAC company to see if they could do something to get the heating to this area. The following day, the HVAC tech was at the door. He checked the air vent and he said he could put a fan in the ductwork that would help to blow the heating into this area. I told him to go ahead. An hour later, I could feel the heat coming from the air vent. The kids were finally comfortable while doing their homework. My son wanted to turn down the thermostat. He said it was too hot now and it could make him sleepy. I had to nudge him when it was cold, so sleeping had nothing to do with the HVAC.



Heating maintenance