Air purification and air filters can mitigate airborne health hazards

I don’t have a whole lot on my mind other than how to keep myself and my family safe from the pandemic that is still killing thousands of people.

  • I want to put my trust in the government to help us but, I have to do what’s right by my family myself.

There just seems to be so much uncoordinated action taking place throughout the country. I have to say that it is a bit bewildering to see such a disjointed effort taking place as I shelter inside the HVAC security of my home. There is just so much politics happening in a time where national unity is needed the most. It makes my decisions to look after my own that much easier. I want to do all I can to be sure that the immune health of our family is strengthened. That starts with the HVAC in my home. I immediately replaced the cheap HVAC air filters. They were replaced with quality HEPA type air filters. These are air filters that use layers of glass fibers to trap and remove nearly all hazardous airborne contaminants. It’s the first thing that anyone can do to help improve the air quality of their home. And, indoor air quality has a direct impact on the immune health of everyone in that house. Whole house air purification takes the removal of hazardous airborne particulate to the maximum. The most popular of these is one that is installed inside the HVAC air handler. It then kills anything in the air using high intensity UV light. It’s on the expensive side but, how do you put a price on your family’s immune health at a time like this?

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