Who would buy that location?

He even dug a sizable hole in the middle of his backyard for no reason I can come up with

The beach house next door to mine has constantly been a total piece of garbage. Not only is the scheme of land entirely small, but the beach house is absurdly small. It is a 1 study room, 1 washroom mess. The beach house looks like it is going to fall down any minute. I have peaked in the windows and I cringed looking inside of it. The icing on the cake is that the only form of Heating, Ventilation and A/C is a window a/c in the 1 study room of the house. I planned on buying the beach house when it wouldn’t sell and leveling it. I wanted to expand our land and maybe put a shed there for our tools. I thought that nobody would want that horrible beach house with inferior AC. Well turns out I was wrong. The sellers found someone stupid enough to buy it. I hate our up-to-date neighbor, and he is constantly walking on our land trying to talk to me. He has split down all the trees that separates our property line. I wonder if he realizes that I have added pricker bushes and sizable shrubs recently. All his progress is gone. He is so gung ho about his land. He has ripped down all the foliage and mowed the lawn. He even dug a sizable hole in the middle of his backyard for no reason I can come up with. Shouldn’t his priority be adding air conditioner to the house? Summer is literally right around the corner. Today was 90 degrees and he only has window cooling. The guy must be perspiring his butt off in there.


HVAC unit