We couldn’t go without using a humidifier

In the northeastern part of the country, the winter conditions last for a minimum of six months and often up to eight months… The people I was with and I tend to accumulate around twelve to fifteen feet of snow each and every year.

The temperature remains well below freezing and frequently drops into the negative digits.

The people I was with and I are undoubtedly dependent on our gas heating appliance. The people I was with and I operate the gas furnace on maximum capacity regularly, however as the gas furnace works, it blows warm air into the rooms of the dwelling and sucks moisture out of the air. The indoor environment becomes incredibly dry and leads to all sorts of issues. A lack of proper humidity makes the air feel a great deal colder. The people I was with and I then turn up the temperature control equipment and make the issue far worse. The people I was with and I put greater wear and tear on the gas furnace which increases the chances of experiencing a malfunction. The heating appliance consumes more energy and results in higher utility bills. There’s a downside impact on comfort, our budget and the environment. Overly dry air also creates health concerns. Frequent coughing, sneezing, sore throats, itchy eyes, headaches, bloody noses, chapped lips and frizzy hair can all be blamed on a complete lack of essential humidity. There is an increased risk of respiratory infection and the dry air irritates symptoms of dust irritations, asthma, eczema and psoriasis. In the area where I live, a whole-house humidifier is definitely a necessity. I chose a steam-style humidifier because it handles a larger dwelling. Not to mention, it converts water into steam for a natural process. The humidifier introduces moisture back into the air as it passes through the gas heating appliance. It operates quietly and requires annual upkeep.


Air quality systems