Staying inside the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C for now

I am surprised by how several things I am able to do without now that the two of us are facing this pandemic.

A nicely Heating, Ventilation, & A/C controlled beach house is thankfully not 1 of them.

Due to the economic impact of the pandemic, our beach house has had to entirely tighten up the budget. Before, the two of us were fortunate to be able to supply for our life while also being able to save a bit. My wife & I both come from big savings backgrounds. Our parents were able to retire because they were such nice savers. But, our wife is now dealing with seriously reduced hours & I am toiling from the security inside the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C of our home. So, the two of us are taking our saving to a new level. While the two of us have always followed our budget, the two of us are now being genuinely strict about it & chopping where the two of us can. A ready target for saving is the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C utility costs. In our region summer time is entirely tepid & entirely humid. That means lots & lots of Heating, Ventilation, & A/C kilowatt hours. This year, since the two of us were all at home, the two of us decided to be more proactive about saving on the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C. It wasn’t something the two of us were all that wild about. However, the two of us knew that the two of us could save perhaps several hundred dollars over a several weeks span. All it would take is allowing the temperature inside to rise as it did on the outside. This was easy in practice but sort of strenuous to initially acclimate to. However, the two of us emplotted fans to cool off our skin & the two of us got through it. Indeed, the two of us did manage to save a genuinely significant amount of cash on the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C cost.
