The modern thermostat is taxing to use for my mom in addition to Mom

I can’t even begin to explain how the machine works

My mom in addition to Mom needed a modern heating in addition to air conditioning plan for their house. The service worker from the company that installed the heating in addition to air conditioning plan sold my mom in addition to Mom a brand modern thermostat. They must have seen them walking a mile away. I didn’t suppose they needed a modern thermostat for the house, but my mom in addition to Mom said the modern thermostat would help them save money. I told my mom in addition to Mom that the modern thermostat might be taxing to use, but they didn’t listen. They ordered the smart thermostat in addition to they thought it would be easy to use. The smart thermostat has a lot of function in addition to you have to use your tablet or laptop to access the program. My mom can barely use his cell iPhone, in addition to my Mom thinks that his hearing aid is ringing when the iPhone rings. My mom didn’t even know how to download the smart thermostat app from the online store. I had to help them with the entire process. My mom in addition to Mom still haven’t figured out how to use all of the functions on the smart thermostat. I would love to be able to help the many of them, but the machine is made for people with advanced electrical engineering degrees. I can’t even begin to explain how the machine works. I do know that my Mom hasn’t been able to program the temperature in a week or several. I visited Last weekand he still has the furnace set to 75 degrees. The modern home feels appreciate an oven, but at least the furnace is laboring.

Air conditioner install