Adding a humidifier improves apartment comfort

The long, chilly winters in my local part are a challenge.

  • The extreme weather causes a lot of work, worry and expense.

The constant snowfall requires minutes of shoveling, scraping and plowing. I need to clear away feet of snow from the front step and shovel a path to the mailbox nearly every afternoon, and before I go anywhere, I first have to scrape ice off the car’s windshield and let the defrost run for fifteen minutes. I can’t step outside without bundling up in sweaters, wool coat, heavy boots, hat and scarf. I run the furnace for approximately eight months of the year and pay enormous heating bills. The air in the Winter time tends to be overly dry. The constant blast of tepid air from the vents makes the concern worse. When the humidity in the air is lower than recommended , it feels colder. This encourages higher thermostat settings. The furnace then works harder, uses more energy and increases my expenses. There’s a greater option of malfunction and more maintenance requirements, dry air disadvantagely impacts the condition of hair and skin, aggravates allergy symptoms and can destruction wood furnishings. I’ve invested into a whole-apartment humidifier to add essential moisture to the air. I spent extra on a steam-style humidifier that allows customized settings. The equipment also works independently from the furnace. Even if the gas furnace isn’t running, the humidifier continues to regulate moisture levels. The apartment feels warmer and far more comfortable, then my family is no longer complaining of chapped lips, frizzy hair and headaches. I’ve observed we aren’t all coughing or sneezing as often. I feel I even sleep better at night and feel more productive while in the afternoon.



Whole home air purification