Learning more about HVAC from my couch

With the work-life completely transformed by the pandemic, we found ourselves working remotely.

This was such a good change and saved up a lot of time otherwise taken getting ready and the commute to the office.

One afternoon after finishing my work, I decided to just lay on the couch for an hour or two to relax my brain and my body. I put on the TV and lay down. I flipped through the channels and settled on the documentary channel. There was a show going on and it was on more about HVAC. They showed the evolution of systems. They focused on more about heating. I discovered the geo heat pump which, though very efficient is extremely pricey. This heating device I found out was not a new heating system in the market. It had been around for years but had transformed to increase its efficiency. They said that this system provided quality heating by using renewable energy. This HVAC system offered energy-saving help in terms of consuming less heat while being 400% better than space heaters. It also requires little to no heater maintenance which saves the cost incurred in the annual heating services. We had such a system at the office but I had not paid attention to how it worked. I would just use the digital thermostat to adjust the temperatures of the central heating. It was interesting seeing how the unit functioned and better ways to operate it. The local contractors on the documentary worked so fast as if they knew each maintenance step by heart, I guess they had worked on multiple units and had perfected their jobs. The local business stocked this system despite it being expensive. I later drifted off to a power nap that lasted two hours.


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