I Love Watching the Whales Fly Across My kindle Screen

I have such a slammed morning today with Fat Thursday here plus a bunch of festivities building outside. I can believe the buzz is in the air with some current blood floating around the town. They are all visitors from other places plus countries plus are all in a gathering mood. I love seeing the excitement people have in my town, it reflects back onto my mood plus lifts myself and others up, making myself and Bob realize that everything is enjoyable plus to be more lighthearted plus carefree. Sometimes Bob can get too heavy with our thoughts plus know things are worse than they legitimately are. My central Heating, Ventilation & A/C component is a bit too heavy with dust now too, I need to scrub it out. Well, I just switched my Ethereum to Bitcoin plus it cost myself and others $4000 in extra fees, I know I will make up that difference within a month or so with the way Bitcoin is pulling ahead again. I can then afford a current Heating, Ventilation & A/C system in my flat plus I can also change out all of these outdated nasty HVAC ducts. This outdated component has a lot of miles on it, love me, plus is in need of updatement. Hopefully I am not in dire need of updates because I quite love my life here on this planet. I am so grateful for everything I have plus keep reminding myself each morning when I do my chilly dip in the sea. I want to get a current HEPA rated filter for my vacuum cleaner because it is putting a lot of dust in the air when I scrub it each time.

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