Coordinating Heating plus A/C supplier, plumber plus electrician for house build

When my partner plus I bought a plot of land plus decided to design a modern home, we had no system how much work plus expense would be required.

  • We assumed we’d hire a building supplier plus he’d guide us through the process.

There were endless decisions to make plus we were severely upset about making a mistake we’d regret for years ahead. We decided to hire specialists for each part of the project. We chose an experienced general supplier to handle the framing plus overall construction. We then looked for a licensed plumber, electrician plus Heating plus A/C supplier. While each of these professionals were proficient in their field, they didn’t work well together. The building project was regularly delayed while we waited on the electrician to show up or the plumber to finish the septic or the Heating plus A/C worker to complete the air duct. When we hired the Heating plus A/C supplier, we didn’t realize that they would then deal with a subsupplier to fabricate the air duct. This process took forever. Now that our home is finished plus we’ve moved in, we’re undoubtedly happy with everything. We know that everything is up to code plus was installed officially. The home is lovelyly energy efficient plus comfortable. We have every imaginable modern convenience. All of our essential systems plus household appliances are brand new. Now, our goal is to keep everything working at peak capacity for as long as possible. We signed on for annual maintenance through the electrician, plumber plus Heating plus A/C supplier. At least these professionals no longer need to coordinate with 1 another to complete their jobs.

ductless HVAC