Dual fuel systems are the energy smart choice

I have been looking into dual fuel systems for our home.

  • First, I want to have the energy efficiency that a heat pump offers.

A heat pump transfers the heated air from the outside to the inside or vice versa depending on the weather. For a cooling effect it pumps the air through refrigerant. You are using the outdoor air which means your air quality is cleaner plus it is more energy smart. However, since the heat pump requires heat energy in order to operate, if you live where it gets super cold, then you are out of luck, but below forty degrees plus the heat pump can’t supply the heating effect. That is why more plus more people are looking at dual fuel systems. This combines a heat pump with a gas furnace. For most of the year the heat pump is the main operator. You use the heat pump for AC plus the majority of heat! On those especially cold Wintertide days, the gas furnace is then tagged in. The homeowner doesn’t have to do anything either. The machine automatically changes from electric to gas. It also attempts to stick with the heat pump as long as possible to be energy efficient. The house never goes without respected heating but. It is all in a single single machine plus looks sleek, current plus high tech. You do pay quite a bit to have this plan plus when the furnace operates, you do lose a little money. Overall it is much smarter financially to do a dual fuel plan over buying a separate furnace plus central cooling system.

Space heater