Stinky air quality when I cook

I adore cooking plus experimenting with unusual recipes. Every birthday plus holiday people get myself and others cookbooks, spices plus flavored oils. I adore trying current cuisines plus introducing current flavors into our diet. A number one night in our household is seafood night. There is a local woman that gets the seafood fresh. The people I was with and I have salmon that I drizzle with flavored oil plus seasoning on. I then have scallops plus shrimp that I fry in a pan. I use butter, lemon, garlic, parmesan cheese plus a flavored oil. I then top it off with couscous plus some kind of vegetable. My hubby purrs for that meal. The only drawback is the aroma of that meal. The aroma of the seafood lingers in the house. Since all of us have central that aroma is pushed from room to room through the ductwork. The seafood aroma lingers for at least several days. I have tried washing the floors, spraying the lake house plus lighting a candle. The aroma sticks around. It happens with other stronger aromaing dishes too. I have been debating on getting an air purification system plus hooking it to our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C equipment. As the AC operates plus moves the air, the air purification system would scrub it. The aromas would be removed in every room in the house. I cook enough that I think this is a worthduringvestment. If I don’t do some style of media air cleaner I need to get used to the stinky aroma or not run the cooling system while I cook. I am not thrilled with either of those chances though.


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