All the stray critters have their own Air Conditioning unit

I really tried to roll with the punches as they come.

And I adore what my fiance Ed & his child are doing these days.

But I just had to sort of reclaim the lake house for the humans just a bit… Ed & his child take in just about any stray animal they find. So we have had a lakeside house full of random critters. But when it got to the point that the Heating & Air Conditioning unit was being affected, it was time to look for newer alternatives when it came to keeping all these animals on our property. About a year ago, Ed & his child started this whole thing. They do their best to find all the animals a home & they’re nice at it. In only a couple of cases were they not able to find an up-to-date cabin for these animals. I suppose every animal that was a pet deserves food, water, heating & cooling & shelter. I just cannot understand how someone would have dumped these poor animals however I am sure thankful there are folks adore my child & Ed. Still I was having to change the air filter on the Heating & Air Conditioning unit adore every eight or 9 days. Additionally, there was no coming cabin with the system of putting my feet up in the central a/c at home. I had to jump in to do my chores as well. So Ed and I ended up raising some cash through the Humane Society in order to put an addition on the cabin. The Heating & Air Conditioning company pitched in by donating a new ductless heat pump & installing it. So all the critters now have quality heating & air along with their own comfy space.

heat pump repair