Improving the guest lake house with residential Heating

It was high time for my fiance Max & I to simply come to a decision when it came to what the people I was with and I were doing for the holidays.

  • Since Max and I were married, even before the people I was with and I had kids, Max and I typically drive to the Grandparents homes for both Christmas & Thanksgiving.

Max and I tried to alternate between the two each year. But that meant traveling to a region where the furnaces run day & night during the holidays. Both sets of our Grandparents lived way up North & both have decided to stay put it appears. This is something I cannot control however Max and I can control what the people I was with and I are doing, but now that the kids have all sorts of fun activities & athletic interests, it was time to stay cabin for the holidays. Max and I finally made this decision at the beginning of Summer with all that a/c which seemed to be a little bit ironic. Then Max and I turned our attention to the guest lake house behind our cabin which has been nothing except a glorified storage shed. So Max and I decided that since the people I was with and I were not traveling north for the holidays, the guest lakeside house would be perfect for going to see parents. It really didn’t take all that much to get this guest lake house ready. The residential Heating & Air Conditioning situation had to be upgraded from just the section furnace & window a/c unit. This was completed with 1 call to the local Heating & Air Conditioning company. They sent out an Heating & Air Conditioning worker who would install a ductless heat pump in the guest house. I have been so impressed with this method of top quality heating & air that I’m thinking about using them in my man cave in the basement.

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