There are some cold spots in our house

There are some cold spots in our house that I have been noticing recently and I’m not sure where they are coming from.

I read an article online on an HVAC blog that said that if your ductwork or your home lacks the proper insulation, then it can cause you to have cold spots in your house.

Hot and cold spots in your home usually are caused by some sort of air flow issue in your ventilation system. If you are just Randomly walking through your house and you end up going from one temperature to the next, it’s not really pleasant! If you are used to being in a room that is nice and warm on a cold winter morning, you don’t want to run into a cold patch in the middle of your hallway for no good reason! It’s a strange experience to go one temperature extreme to the next inside of your very own home, especially when the rooms are close together! Usually if you have a cold spot that starts to occur in your house on a regular basis it’s a sign that there is just something that is not working right in your ventilation system. Most of the time you will want to call a professional HVAC company in order to get it repaired correctly. Sometimes you just need some ductwork sealing to be done, but sometimes you need to replace a complete air duct. If your ductwork is damaged or leaking, then you’re definitely going to want to have a professional HVAC technician come to take care of things for you.