It’s time to choose air vent covers for the house

We have been working on a house for almost a year now and it’s almost time to get moved in.

  • At this point, we have been working on this house for so long that I would rather do just about anything else than finish it! Don’t get me wrong.

I don’t mean that I don’t want to finish it. I mean that I am sick and tired of doing work on it and I just don’t want to do anything else at all to it. I kind of wish that there was someone that I could hire to make all the rest of the decisions for me so that I don’t have to do a single other thing rather than just pack up my clothes and move into my brand new bedroom. I think that this house has taken longer to build than any other house in history! One of the problems has been the fact that we had some issues with our HVAC contractor. He wasn’t quite as good at his job as we thought that he would be. I knew that we were going to have problems when he ordered the wrong size of ductwork for our great room and we had to reorder everything. That put us way behind schedule on the project and we never really seemed to recover. We are still waiting to finish the house and now it’s time for us to go and choose the air vent covers that we want for the inside of the house. I guess it’s now the worst thing that I have had to do during this building project, but I dread it. I just want to be finished.
