There was mold, mildew, as well as other frightening things hiding in the ductwork

I wish I would have never looked, to be quite honest.

I had noticed how our house was starting to stink a little rank over the last few weeks.

When the weather got cooler I took the opportunity to open up all the windows to air the locale out! Natural ventilation is the best way to get foul odors out of a home, and once I closed the house back up, that same rank air quality returned, which made me really nervous. Before I called a professional I decided to take a look for myself. After I disattachd the grate from the main air vent I took a flashlight for a look deep inside the ductwork system. I wish I had not done that. OnceI saw how filthy as well as befouled th3e HVAC ducts were, I realized how disgusting the air quality had become, but envisioning all of that nasty gunk getting inside our lungs almost provided me a heart attack. Of course I immediately called the local Heating and A/C business as well as asked for a complete ductwork cleaning. It didn’t matter how much it cost, if I didn’t get the ductwork scrub ASAP I would not be able to stay in the house. When I found out I would have to wait a month for the HVAC duct cleaning, I promptly packed a bag as well as rented a hotel room. I was cheerful to spend a few mornings in the crisp, scrub air of the hotel a/c, trying to forget the horrors I had seen. My advice to anyone reading this is to have your ductwork ran tests on out!

ductwork sealing