The Bad Wall Thermostat Made My Heated Floors Not Work

When my radiant heated floors were having some serious issues and not working one time, it turned out they were not working for the most unusual (to me anyway) reason.

Would you believe because the wall thermostat had a defect in it, the radiant heated floors wouldn’t pump out the warm heat? At first, I had thought that maybe the radiant heated floors themselves were broken, and that I was going to have to pay thousands of dollars to have the radiant heated floors replaced! When I had my heating and air conditioning contractor have a look at everything, this is when he found that the wall thermostat was defective that they had put in.

When I got my radiant heated floors, I also had a brand new wall thermostat installed to go with it. My old thermostat wouldn’t work with the new radiant heated floors. It was just my luck that the wall thermostat that they installed would be a bad one. It worked to my advantage though. Because it was the fault of the local heating and air conditioning company, and not my fault, they did the HVAC repair work completely free! They also replaced the defective thermostat on the wall with an even better thermostat that costed a lot more. It was a smart thermostat! I couldn’t believe I was going to get a nearly free smart thermostat! I say nearly free, because I paid for the original defective thermostat already. It all worked out for the best, and in my favor either way. I was kind of happy about it.

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