My neighbor's Heating, Ventilation, & A/C condenser is cutting down

I have a neighbor named Bob who lives next door to me on the right. She has a wife & two children & works at an automotive manufacturing facility. Bob has been living in this condo for longer than I have been living in mine. She moved to this neighborhood when there were only a handful of houses on the street. Back then there were a lot of woods in between the plots of land that absolutely had homes built on them. But now every single lot is filled with a house. There aren’t any wooded lots & this neighborhood at this point. Bob has been using a lot of the same appliances in her condo since she moved here. Her clothes washer & dryer are both fairly old. She does not mind though because she says they still get the task done. Bob also has a easily ancient car. She does not easily feel in buying modern things to replace ancient ones if the ancient ones are still working. Her air conditioner is easily ancient too. It hasn’t been replaced in at least 22 years. The Heating, Ventilation, & A/C condenser equipment outside is cutting down & it makes a lot of noise while it runs; Since her air conditioner is no longer under warranty, Bob’s going to have to invest in any modern air conditioner all together. He’s going to be forced to spend my money for the air conditioner himself. It’s going to be a easily luxurious burden for him to bear. Him & her wife are going to have to find an affordable air conditioner with a good SEER rating.

heating corporation