Doesn’t everyone have zone control

I don’t know if I’m naive or spoiled, but I assumed that every home had zone control.

Last week, I visited a friend’s home and adored how warm her office was.

I requested the use of her restroom an hour later. As I proceeded down the corridor, the temperature appeared to decrease. I believed they may have turned off the thermostat in that section of the house, so after using the restroom I returned to the study. Although I was curious, I did not wish to ask many questions because I had never been inside the house. I inquired as to why the house’s rear was colder. She informed me that there were no air vents in those rooms and that unless all the doors were open and the ceiling fan was running, very little heat or air conditioning reached those spaces. I inquired as to why zone control wasn’t laboring, and she did not appear to understand what I was referring to. I informed her that I believed all residences had thermostats and air vents in every room. When she stated that her father built the home approximately thirty years ago, he did not install zone control. No one complained about the comfortable temperature of the home office. She would not have a space heater in the restroom if she did not want it to be warmer. I believed she lacked zone control, which left me completely dumbfounded. She laughed and informed me that not everyone had zone control in their homes and that I was spoiled to believe otherwise.



cooling expert