
I just announced to my friends and family that I am pregnant with my fifth child.

  • Most of my friends think I am crazy for wanting to have more kids because they are overwhelmed with one or twn children.

However, I just love being a mom. I think it is what I was meant to do with my life. It is so fun to watch children run around and play. I love that I am able to stay home with them all day and really get to spend some quality time together. I know that it won’t be like this forever because they will soon enough grow up and not want to hang out with their mom anymore, so I am taking full advantage of our time together now. While I love being a mom more than anything in the world I have to admit that I don’t love being pregnant. Some women love being pregnant, but for me I haven’t always had the best experiences. The worst part for me is that I am always getting hot and I constantly have to turn down the air conditioning in the house. My family always complains the air conditioning is too cold, but I just need it or I feel like I am melting. Sometimes it feels like the heater is turned and I don’t know why I get so hot when I am pregnant. When my family is go I turn the air conditioning thermostat down to sixty degrees and I love that I don’t have to hear them complain about it being too cold!

cooling tech