Using recycled AC during a fire

My husband and I live in a western part of the country.

We love the area we live in but there have been some terrible natural disasters happening all around us.

Right now there are fires raging all around our home and all the states around the area we live in. It’s been really hard to cope with especially since we have young kids. Right now we are trying to figure out the best way to deal with the smoke that is in the air because it has really been affecting the air quality in our house. Normally we try to use recycled AC to try and save energy but right now we can’t use recycled AC because we would be breathing in so much smoke that it would not be good for our health. I am starting to get nervous that if we don’t figure out a new way to get AC in our home that it might have long term effects on my family and that is the last thing that I want. I am going to have to call a local HVAC company and see what they recommend for us to do in regards to the recycled AC. I know that a lot of people in our area have the same concerns that we do so I hope the HVAC company has put some measures in place to help us out during this crazy time when things are so uncertain around us.

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