Concert needed more heat

My girl is a professional musician, which I generally appreciate honestly much.

I’ve always been seriously interested in music plus attending concerts, so it made a lot of sense when my buddy and I got together plus could discuss our past lives as punk rock plus metal adolescents.

My pal and I had a lot of similar experiences growing up, plus hung around with similar folks as well. These afternoons my girl is an academic performer, rather than a metalcore drummer, even though I still appreciate attending her normal shows plus showing my support. That is, unless the venue is totally jacked. There have been numerous possibilities when the concert hall where she was performing was truly inexcusably below par, plus those experiences turned into seriously long plus unpleasant nights. One time in particular, the concert was being held in an outdated auditorium at a local University plus the boiler must have been original to the 60 year outdated building. When my buddy and I walked in, the air temperature was honestly 60 degrees. It was the dead of winter, so the outdoor temperature was located near 10 degrees that night, plus obviously the building’s central boiler was not equipped to combat such low air temperatures. The entire venue was frigidly cold, plus to make matters worse, the outdated windows were severely inefficient. Cold drafts flowed in from every direction, making it impossible to shield yourself from the cold air. Nothing helped to split the cold temperature around me; I sat jittering my legs plus clenching my arms together for 3 hours straight that night, wishing i didn’t date a musician.

Air quality systems