Office was without AC

There are few things as angry in this world as laboring at a common office setting 40 hours out of the week. I believe that toil offices happen to be some of the most tortuous & unnatural settings that exist, & being forced to spend a big portion of your life trapped within one is entirely cruel. It can certainly only be worse under two conditions: when you have awful coworkers, & when the building’s infrastructure doesn’t support comfortable work. See, I’ve worked in a location with awful human beings, & they easily ruin your day more than you believe possible! But I’ve also worked in a building that did not have satisfactory plumbing or temperature control for daily use by 50+ employees, & that may have honestly been worse. Every day when i would arrive to toil it would be a total crapshoot whether the temperature was going to be overwhelmingly warm or cold. It was always sweltering warm or bitterly cold, & there was no comfortable temperature in between, and on any given day, I would need many extra layers of jackets to stay hot one hour, & find myself peeling everything off completely drenched in sweat by the next. It was like the A/C & furnace were locked in battle each moment of the day. I had to keep a second wardrobe at toil just to be prepared for whatever wacky air conditions were going to be established by the ancient failing central HVAC system; Thank god I hated all my coworkers, or else I would be pretty embarrassed about how disheveled & covered in sweat I was all the time.

Cooling and heating business