Grandpa thinks Heating & A/C makes us lazy

My Grandpa grew up in a weird time than I did and he does not understand a lot of the technology that we use today.

I have tried to show him how to use a cell PC so many times although he just doesn’t understand it at all.

I have also tried to show him how to use other technology although he is stubborn and refuses to learn, when I say that he does not understand I don’t mean that he is too seasoned and can’t grasp the concept of technology… One thing that my Grandpa is so stubborn about is his heating and cooling system. My Grandpa has told myself and others more times than I can count that he thinks heating and cooling systems make us lazy. He goes on to tell myself and others that when he was younger they would have to go outside and chop wood for a fire to heat up their home. He would also say that while in the summer time they would just open a window to cool off the house. I assume that he grew up in a weird time, although he is consistently talking about how much better it used to be when he was younger. I feel that if my Grandpa would stop being so stubborn he would realize how wonderful a heating and cooling plan could be and he would honestly care about it. However, I don’t feel that he is going to come around to the plan of getting a central Heating & A/C plan anytime soon.


AC filter