Basement bedroom was cold and wet all the time

Two buddies and I lucked out on renting a house in college.

The house had only two bedrooms and a basement.

We all toyed back and forth on who goes where. I finally decided to take the basement. I thought I was being smart. The basement was huge, had its own door and was totally private. For the most part, having that giant space was awesome. There were quite a few downsides to it though. The main issue was the moisture in the air quality. Basements are naturally moist places. It became clear quickly that mold builds in the basement. Since there were no windows or form of ventilation, I was breathing in wet mold all day long. I got sick so often that I finally caved and bought a dehumidifier. All year long I had to use the dehumidification system. Since the basement was lower, shaded and moist, it was freezing cold too. In the summer I did not bother with AC. I just ran the dehumidifer and enjoyed the natural cooling it gave off. In the winter I had to use supplemental heating. The heating system was on the first floor and heat rises. I never got any kind of heating even when I left my door open. I used two space heaters in the winter to get the job done. It was not quality heating by a long shot, but it was decent for a college student. Even though my room was giant and private, I do feel I had the worst situation out of my buddies.

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