Cryo tank for the future

In the movie, there is a scene where the terminator jumps into a tank of hot lava to ruin his body plus be killed so there is no evidence of the equipment in his body.

  • By doing this, the world should be safe.

The tank the terminator slowly is lowered into is kind of like a cryotherapy tank: it is a small, grey tank that a person can sit up in. Rather than super hot lava, the tank shoots out liquid nitrogen to create ultra frigid temperatures. since the air doesn’t contain moisture though, it is not that unconformably cold. The skin temperature won’t even drop below 53 degrees! After a few minutes, the body temperature goes right back up. Anytime I look at the pictures of people doing cryotherapy I picture that movie plus get a chuckle out of it. They look sort of deranged just being a head sticking out of an ultra frigid tank. But, all the things cryotherapy can treat make it all worthwhile. Typically, people are using cryotherapy for pain management solutions. A lot of athletes use the cryo tank since the ultra cooling is more effective than slapping an ice pack on! People with arthritis can be assisted by the pain management treatments as well. Also cryo slimming in a current fad among the celebrities of Hollywood but most of them don’t do it for weight loss. They do cryo facial toning to stop aging plus tighten up the skin.
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