Why are my cords melting on the space heater?

I used to hate using space heaters because they were so dangerous.

It seemed that anyone who had space heaters had some kind of horror stories to tell.

I knew that my furnace was what I should be using to heat my house, I didn’t have a choice this time. I had to wait for the HVAC company to come in and fix my furnace and I couldn’t let my family stay cold. I pulled out a couple of space heaters that I had in the back of the closet. I was thinking that space heaters were getting bad raps, because I wasn’t having any trouble with mine. I was using it the way it was supposed to be used, and it was working well. When I smelled something odd, I soon discovered that my cord was melting. I called my brother about the space heater cord melting, and he asked me if I had it in a dedicated outlet. I had no idea what he was talking about and he told me that there is only so much power that an outlet can handle. If you had a space heater plugged into an outlet, it should be the only thing plugged into the outlet. If the space heater were plugged in and you plugged something else in, you could have too many amps of electricity being used and the appliances would begin to get hot. He told me I was lucky that it was just the plug to the space heater that had melted; I could have had a serious fire.

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