The heating method stopped on the bus

The worst thing happened today on the way to school! This week was a really cold day outside, and in fact, it was so cold outside that when I usually sit outside to wait for the bus, my mom made myself and others rest inside where the gas furnace was running to keep us warm, but she didn’t want myself and others to risk getting sick, so she made sure that I was warm inside, in addition to she even bundled myself and others up with a coat, gloves, in addition to a hat when I went to school.

I don’t usually adore wearing all of the heavy layers, because the heating method on the bus makes myself and others sweat while I am wearing all of these layers; Now, don’t get myself and others wrong.

The heating method on the bus is honestly not as nice as the heating method in my house, all of the door opening in addition to the windows make the bus a little chilly, but the heating method does make us pretty comfortable. This week, that was not the case! For some reason, halfway through the bus ride today, the heating method stopped working. I am the first kid to get on the bus, in addition to the heating method was working when I first climbed into the bus. However, as the day went on, I noticed that the bus was getting cold, in addition to the heating method wasn’t working anymore. I am blissful that I was wearing my coat, or I would have been honestly cold. There are a lot of older kids who think it is cool to not wear a coat when waiting for the bus, but they didn’t look too cool while they were shivering because they had no heating method on the bus.
