My ears are ringing

I woke up the other and my ears were ringing so badly that I thought I was going to go crazy.

I woke up my husband because I was really worried that maybe I was having a stroke or that there was something really wrong with me.

My husband put his hands over his ears and asked me if I heard that horrible noise. I was so happy that it wasn’t me that had something wrong, but it was something in the house. My husband thought it was the fire alarm or the smoke alarm, but I didn’t think it was either. The further we got into the hallway, the worse the sound became and that’s when we realized it was the carbon monoxide detector. We walked out of the house after grabbing the phone. We got into the car and drove away from the house while I called 911. Something had gone wrong with our furnace which caused a crack in one of the furnace components. Instead of the by products being harmlessly dissipated, the carbon monoxide was building up inside the house. The fire company told us that if it hadn’t been for our carbon monoxide detector, we both could have died. We spent the night in a hotel and headed back to the house the next day. We called the HvAC company and told them we needed a new furnace. We gathered some belongings and then went back to the hotel until our new furnace was installed. I think my ears were ringing for the next two days, but it was a sound I was glad I heard.


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