Staying Put Forever in Our Home Area with Help From HVAC

The house we are building will have geothermal HVAC for heating and cooling

While I have never been exactly adventurous, that is not the reason I have stayed put right where I grew up. I think I simply love where I live and feel lucky to have lived my entire life within a 30 mile radius. Of course, I have been on vacation elsewhere. I like the South and all the sunshine but, I could never actually live there. My region is one of long winters made cozy by great HVAC heating. The snow and the cold are something that I could never really do without. My husband is the same way and he IS from the South. We met in college. He came up here to go to school and I was able to drive to campus from my parents home. My husband fell in love with area, the people and the culture. It was as though the Southern fell right off of him. I couldn’t believe how quickly he embraced all that goes with winter. From the very beginning, he was all over winter preparations. The HVAC furnace was professionally serviced by a licensed HVAC tech. My husband loves to watch and ask questions about how the HVAC system works. In fact, we both have been doing quite a bit of research on HVAC methods lately. We are in the early stages of planning our home. Our kids are out of the house so we are downsizing. The house we are building will have geothermal HVAC for heating and cooling. This HVAC method is a bit more expensive upfront but, the utility savings will last over 30 years. This will be our forever house.
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