The HVAC bills have made me take drastic measures

The electric bill is once again unquestionably horrifying.

It’s as though I can almost feel it taking the money out of my wallet.

The money we spend as a household for HVAC comfort can get to be staggering. Just writing the check each month during the peak heating season, can feel like I’m writing a ransom check! Back when I was a kid, the HVAC system seemed like magic. Any of us who touched the A/C control component was engaging in some risky behavior. God forbid that one of us teenagers left a door ajar while we were outside during the summer. My old dad would go off just like a mental patient. That guy would be agog if he could witness what is going on in this house now! There is simply no regard for what it costs to cool this house. My teenagers act as if the A/C is a right and something that should be customized to them. Maybe he began speaking to me from his grave but I’ve really changed my whole attitude on our HVAC use. The heating and cooling system is fairly up-to-date and it’s super efficient and so I know that my HVAC system is not the problem. The concern begins with the people who are living in the up-to-date home that I’m paying dearly for! The changes I made have come swiftly. First, I spent a weekend with a caulk gun sealing up the entire inside and exterior of the home so that there will be no more HVAC treated air leaking outside. Then I put in a smart control thermostat system. It can’t be manually overridden by anyone but me. I put up automatic solar blinds and I also synced them to the smart control unit. Finally, I am reviewing the security footage of our house. From now on, I’m going to fine anyone leaving anything open.

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