Poor AC in the company

The company that I work for has the worst air conditioning that I have ever felt.

I have worked for several companies, but none like this factory that I now work for.

I don’t think the company that owns the factory could care less about the comfort of their employees. The air conditioning has never been very good, but lately, it doesn’t seem to work at all. At best, over the last year or so, the AC has been able to take care of some of the heat, which was better than nothing. Now, we are all realizing how a little air conditioning is better than none at all. The bad air conditioning made a real difference in how much the employees really needed to have some kind of air conditioning. For months, I and several other employees, had been trying to tell the manager how poorly the air conditioning was working. We told them that the air conditioning needed to be repaired or even replaced. I don’t think it will be until the air conditioning affects the comfort of the management that they will realize how badly it is needed. We tried to tell management how upset we all were. In reality, it was costing them a lot of extra money because of the people who were sick and how much production had gone down when it was so hot. I’m sure they were aware that repairing the air conditioning was going to be expensive. Maybe they didn’t care about the repairs and now they don’t care if they have to have the AC replaced, because AC is one less expense for them to deal with.

Further information on AC