I think I need to do personal training instead

I go in cycles when it comes to getting in shape.

Every few months I get determined to lose weight and finally look good in a bikini. I start by getting all the work out clothing. I buy a bunch of cute workout pants, tops, shoes and socks. I even like to get a new water bottle and hair ties for the occasion. I then find a gym near me and sign up. I get so excited to wear my cute clothes and get in shape. I go to the gym for about a week before I start to get bored with it. I go too hard on the first day. I then am sore the entire week and I still work out. I hate getting on the machines and stretching. I then only sporadically go afterwards and then just quit going all together. Here’s an interesting fact, work out clothes are the best laying around clothing. It is fun just wearing the outfit to watch TV in. I then sit around for a few months before I get determined again and start the cycle over. A buddy of mine said that the issue is the gyms I try. She told me that I need to do a personal training center rather than get a gym membership. I would need to do a group fitness class with a personal trainer. I am not left to my own devices and I am put at a specific time to workout. I would be held accountable for attending class. I know it would make me less likely to quit.

Cross fit gym