I have to get over my former preferred temperature control settings

If I am honest with myself, after that I could definitely disclose that I might use the a/c machine a little too much for my own good! I never actually realized how much I used the a/c machine until I met my partner, who doesn’t adore using the a/c.

I have never seen such a massive contrast as I did between our unusual Heating and A/C machine preferences.

In the beginning, I figured that I used my a/c machine like most people. When I set the temperature control unit to 60 degrees, I entirely thought that I was using the a/c machine normally. I love 60 degree temperatures to be honest, and I figured that the a/c machine would make my residence comfortable. However, when your a/c is set to that temperature, it makes your residence completely cold. In fact, I was using the a/c machine so much that I had to wear a sweater in my residence to be comfortable. Also, the a/c was costing myself and others a lot of cash and enjoyment. With the a/c running constantly, I didn’t love going outside because it gives me severe headaches. I didn’t realize that I had a concern until my partner started complaining that our residence was incredibly cold. I have slowly started using the a/c machine more normally, but for now, it is actually a single one of the hardest things that I have done in my life. When you use the a/c machine like I used to use the a/c, it isn’t easy to just change your habits when it comes to the temperature. Honestly though, I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t truly believe that it was going to be helpful.


a/c set up