I asked my technician for a filter that could clean viruses from my air

I am not very skilled when it comes to car and home maintenance.

  • I never learned how to change my oil or any basic engine repair work, the most I can do is change a tire and clean the interior.

But that’s okay, because not everyone is an expert with everything, even with vehicles you get in and out of each day. I have a great mechanic for any issues that ever arise with my car. I’m not particularly handy around my house either, but I’m not completely helpless either. I have never used a saw and I don’t know how to build shelves or furniture, but I have a power drill for the times I need it. Although I trust a professional plumber with the old plumbing system in my house, I have learned a few things about clearing clogged drains through watching him work. The one thing I have a tiny bit of experience with is painting. I am somewhat efficient at using painter’s tape and getting seamless paint lines every time. I even managed to impress my sister’s husband who does house painting for a living. Obviously I’m not as good as he is, but he assured me that I’m better than most. There is one aspect of home maintenance that I will always seek outside help for, and that is servicing and maintaining my central heating, ventilation, and cooling system. I don’t ever try to open my air handler or condenser and do self repairs because I know how expensive and technical the equipment is. Thankfully I have a contract with a really knowledgeable HVAC technician who answers all of the questions I can throw at him. Last week I asked him if there were filters that are powerful enough to catch viral microbes. With the airborne illnesses going around, many of us are looking to our central HVAC systems for filtration. I was impressed when he pulled one out of his truck and gave it to me for free.

oil heater