Why can’t you work in a useful industry?

I admit, sometimes I can be extremely sensitive.

It’s difficult for me to let go of things that people have said in the past, and it is not rare that my personal relationships are ruined by something insensitive that was said to me.

Unfortunately, this has been a pattern throughout my entire life and it only increases the older I get. I’m not sure why other humans can be so cruel or why they are so obsessed with my lifestyle. About 10 years ago I became interested in the furry lifestyle. I bought myself my first costume and started developing my alter-ego. It wasn’t long before this had completely taken over my life, and I was a full-time furry. Of course, this limits the jobs that you can perform when you dress like an animal everyday. As such, I fell into a pattern of working small jobs online so I could pay the bills. I could wear my furry outfit from the comfort of my own home, plugging away at a keyboard in privacy. I guess that this doesn’t sit well with other people in my life. Recently, I’ve been hearing so much about what a waste my life is. My mom literally won’t stop harassing me about enrolling in trade school, specifically the heating, cooling, and ventilation division. She desperately wants me to go to class everyday and learn about air conditioners and furnaces to become a central heating and cooling technician. She says that if I could become a certified HVAC Tech, I could easily go out and repair peoples air handling devices in the day, and actually perform a useful task by improving neighbor’s indoor air quality. I would be fine with her pushing to become an HVAC technician, if she wasn’t so rude about it. She keeps telling me I should stop being a useless mascot and find a line of work that matters.


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