Horse riding gone wrong

My uncle had a great HVAC service plan with the local heating and air conditioning company, so he was not worried in the least about having to pay for a brand new central heating and air conditioning system unit

I love visiting my uncle’s farm in the country. Going there is so much fun and relaxation from the daily grind of everyday life. One thing I really love is being able to ride the horses that he has. This can be really fun and awesome! The last time I was there though, there was a little mishap while riding the horses. While I was having a grand old time riding around on one of them, the horse decided to have a fun time of his own and make a run right for my uncles central heating and air conditioning system unit! We don’t know what happened, but the horse ran right into the central heating and air conditioning system unit and ended up breaking it! And in turn, I almost broke my back as well! When the horse went crazy I fell off right before it ran into the central heating and air conditioning system. My uncle was not too angry about it as he said that sometimes horses that are trained like his sometimes go crazy like this when someone is riding them. My uncle had a great HVAC service plan with the local heating and air conditioning company, so he was not worried in the least about having to pay for a brand new central heating and air conditioning system unit. It was all covered under this special HVAC service plan he had that was geared for farmers like him. Thankfully, it was the time of the year when central heating and air conditioning was not needed. So he was able to take his time getting it replaced.

a/c set up